What is Namenda XR?
Namenda XR (memantine hydrochloride) is an NMDA receptor antagonist. It helps to reduce glutamate levels in the brain in order to prevent brain cell loss. It is marketed by Forest Pharmaceuticals and is used to treat moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease. The “XR” in the name stands for Extended Release. Namenda XR can be taken once a day as opposed to the original drug Namenda which was a twice daily medication.
What are the uses and side effects?
Namenda XR is used in combination with other Alzheimer’s medications such as Aricept, Exelon and Razadyne. While the drug will not slow the progressions of Alzheimer’s it has been proven to improve cognition and slow the worsening of symptoms related to the disease.
The most common side effects, occuring in approximately 5% of patients include:
- headache
- diarrhea
- dizziness
Other less common but serious side effects include:
- trouble breathing
- chest pain
- hallucinations
- seizures
- problems urinating
- high blood pressure
Anyone experiencing these side effects should contact their doctor immediately.
Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s means I am a lot of things. I am his guardian. I am his voice. So I asked about adding once daily Namenda XR to his current treatment for moderate to severe Alzheimer’s. It works differently. When added to another Alzheimer’s treatment like Aricept, it may improve overall function and cognition and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while.
Namenda XR doesn’t change how the disease progresses. It shouldn’t be taken by anyone allergic to memantine or who has had a bad reaction to Namenda XR or its ingredients. Before starting treatment, tell their doctor if they have or ever had a seizure disorder, difficulty passing urine, liver kidney or bladder problems, and about medications they’re taking. Certain medications, changes in diet or medical conditions may effect the amount of Namenda XR in the body and may increase side effects. The most common side effects are headache, diarrhea and dizziness.
All my life, he’s protecte me. Now I am giving back. Ask your doctor about adding once daily NXR.
Have there been any lawsuits from people who took NXR?
So far there have not been any class action or mass tort lawsuits from patients who took this drug.
Learn more about Namenda
These websites will help you learn more about Namenda XR and Memantine:
- NamendaXR.com – official website
- Wikipedia – Memantine
- MedicineNet.com – Memantine